Techniques of Organic Farming in India

Organic farming is an innovative form of agriculture with the purpose of repairing, preserving, and enhancing the ecological balance. The purpose of organic farming is to grow crops to preserve the life of the soil. Organic farming in India is a kind of practice that uses organic manure and plant or animal waste as pest control. This kind of farming addresses the issue of environmental suffering caused by synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides. This agriculture process uses organic inputs, including cow dung, green manure, etc.

There are basically four principles of organic farming in India:

  • The Principle of Health: The well-being of the environment, people, and communities
  • The Principle of Ecology: The Balance Between Nature and the Ecosystem
  • The Principle of Care: The consideration of the environment of the future
  • The principle of fairness: maintaining a balance between good human relationships and a good quality of life

Techniques of Organic Farming

  • Soil Management

    Soil management is one of the primary methods of organic farming. After cultivation, the soil of the crop starts losing its nutrients, and soil management helps to recharge the soil with all its nutrients. Organic farming is a process that increases the fertility of the soil. It uses the bacteria found in animal feces. These bacteria make the soil more fertile and productive.

  • Crop Diversity

    In order to meet the growing demand for crops, this method allows for growing more than one crop in an area. Diversification can be achieved in two ways: by incorporating a new crop of species or different varieties into an existing rotation or by directly changing the cropping system.

  • Weed Management

    The purpose of organic farming is to remove weeds. Weeds include unwanted plants that grow with the crops. The production of crops is affected by weeds sticking with the nutrients in the soil.

    There are basically two methods that you can use:

    1. Cutting or Moving: Just cut the weeds.
    2. Mulching: Mulching is a process in which the soil is covered with mulch, including leaves, wood chips, bark, and other organic material, in order to improve the condition of soil fertility.
  • Chemical Management in Farming

    Agriculture farms consist of both beneficial and harmful organisms that affect farms. In order to protect soil and crops, the growth of organisms must be managed. In this method, natural products or fewer pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals are used to protect the soil and crops.

  • Biological Pest control

    With this technique, farmers use living organisms to manage pests with or without the use of chemicals. This method is one of the most beneficial for Indian farmers.

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