Mr. Hari Babu

Success Story

Mr. Hari Babu chose to be a farmer despite having talents in other sectors such as cinema and journalism, as he adores agriculture. He enjoys the farming sector and holds a strong interest in it. He has 10 acres of land near Hyderabad.

Although the land is located near the main road and well-connected to Thimmapur village and Rangareddy district, it has less water availability and poor soil. He transformed his 10 acres of land into heaven with his passion for agriculture.

He planted more than 9,000 trees across 90 different species. These include some rare forest species such as rosewood, sandalwood, and red sanderwood, and horticulture plants such as guava, mango, seetaphal, starfruit, and rose apple. He has also planted medicinal plants such as Sarpa Sarika, Ashwagandha, etc.

He adopted an integrated farming system as his success model. He has six cows who produce jeeevamrutham from their excrement and pee, which is used as plant fertilizer.

He adopted natural agriculture instead of using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. On his farm, around 300 hens are freely moving as they help control pests.

He has achieved his success due to several factors, including high-density plantations, backyard plantations, and close supervision. To get better prices, he also started growing unconventional plants such as star fruit, rose apple, and dragon fruit, which are rarely grown in Hyderabad. He achieved short-term profit through medicinal plants, guava, etc., and long-term profit through red sanderwood and sandalwood.

He makes sure that he has another source of income as well, apart from agriculture, such as cuttings and selling grafts.

To ensure quality and reduce cost, he duplicates plant material for personal use. Further, to ensure regular income throughout the year, he markets fruits and other products directly.

He is an inspiration for other farmers. He believed that farmers can be successful if they make investments in the right direction and get the latest knowledge.

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