Mr. Angaraju Satyanarayanaraju (Composite Farming)

Mr. Angaraju Satyanarayanaraju is a progressive farmer who belongs to Kumudavalli village, West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, India. His primary occupation is agriculture, and he has 10 acres of land. Also, he owns a tractor and other farm techniques.

To boost productivity, he is constantly searching for innovative and profitable farming techniques.

We all know that fish are kept in fish ponds, and paddy is cultivated in the field. On the other hand, Mr. Angaraju plants paddy, fish, and vegetables all together on one acre of land.

Before starting composite farming, he attended a demonstration led by the Department of Agriculture, under the guidance of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Mr. A. Sreenivasa Rao. A few years ago, he attended a training program at the Central Rice Research Institute in Cuttack, Odisha, that was promoted by the ADA. Under the technical guidance of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, the effective execution of composite farming was successfully carried out.

During puddling, Mr. Satyanarayanaraju utilized two quintals of vermicompost and a bare minimum of fertilizers, including muriate of potash (10kg), urea (15kg), and SSP (one quintal of Single Super Phosphate). He used 300 grams of neem oil sprays, PLA 1100 paddy seed, and MTU 1010. Further, he used Botcha, Mosa, and Sheelavathi. After the rice transplantation, these were left for 20 days in the trenches.

For fish feed, he used 200 kg of cattle manure, 5 kg of rice bran every other day and a small amount of azolla. Azolla also helps in supplying and absorbing atmospheric nitrogen in the paddy field. In one year, he harvested 820 kg of fish on 20 guntha and then sold it in the Bheemavaran market.

To supplement his income, he also planted chilies, gourds, bananas, papayas, tree plants, coconut trees, etc. To generate extra income, he installed a honey bee box.

Mr. Angaraju earned a profit of Rs. 1.19 lakh from a one-acre plot in the first year itself. He also plans to add a few more animal species to the farm. With his expertise, he also trains and inspires other farmers in composite farming.

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