Benefits for Gardening

Being around nature can make you feel happier, which lifts your spirits. In a chaotic world, you can find peace in engaging in these activities like digging, planting, and watering. Gardening improves a person in terms of mentally as well as physically.

As per research, nature has positive impacts on health and well-being.

Get your hands messy while digging, planting, and weeding. Have a look at these benefits of gardening:

• Gardening reduces your calories.

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, if a person spends one-hour gardening, it can help him or her burn calories.

Gardening is considered a great source of physical activity. Also, as per the study, people who engaged in gardening programs had a lower BMI (Body Mass Index), than people with no participation in gardening.

• Encouraging to consume healthy vegetables.

Gardening not only helps you improve your physical body but also helps you live a healthy lifestyle by growing your own vegetables. As per 2016 research from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, gardening encourages individuals to consume natural fruits and vegetables.

• It reduces stress.

As per the Prevention Medicine report, gardening helps reduce anxiety and depression. Practicing gardening improves a person in many ways in terms of focus, mental health, and concentration.

Just being around greenery gives you more peace and can improve your mood. Hospitals and rehabilitation also use it as therapy. Fried claims that the horticultural therapy programme at NYU Langone aids patients in regaining both their physical and mental well-being.

• Increase self-esteem

Self-worth and self-esteem are both indicators. Your ability to give one thing your whole focus can shift after you start gardening. Gardening can teach you how to concentrate on what is in front of you without getting distracted.

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